On February 16, 2023 4:00-5:45 p.m., the Future Focus Foundation will be offering a free (K-12)educator event to ignite STEM in our community and our classrooms. The event will highlight our community partner, Wiley|Wilson Architecture and Engineering Firm. Wiley|Wilson will host the event at their facility at 127 Nationwide Dr. Lynchburg. The event will highlight how engineers connect to solve problems to make our communities better. Topics for the event will include taking a closer look at engineering practices, design challenges, and learning more about different careers in engineering. A certificate of attendance will be provided to all participants. Educators will also be able to apply for a mini-grant to enhance STEM learning materials in the classroom. Door prizes and snacks will be provided. Registration closes on February 14 at 4:00 p.m. Registration link: tinyurl.com/fffstempd
Cheryl Lindeman